Sunday, December 7, 2008

Reliving the nightmare of War on Mumbai

As the world watched, the historical landmark of erstwhile Bombay go up in flames, just like millions of Indians, a deep sense of anguish besieged me. Watching all this on the television within the “secured walls” of my home, a sense of guilt and responsibilty has been playing havoc in me. The people who lost their lives due to the deviated psyche of some individuals, as well the people who died fighting them, were no where related to me, but still I wept inconsolably. Where is the world heading, I ask? What good does war bring in to anyone? After the battle of Kalinga was over, the remorseful King Ashok realized the futility of war seeing the battle field flooded with the hundreds and thousands killed and a greater number fatally injured. He said in a most self-depreciating manner that war leaves none the winner. His realization was true… With the exponential rise in these acts of terror, I just wonder how many lives are going to blow up in flames to fight it? It’s on the agenda of every political party these days. If I may use a jargon that’s commonly used in the world of business , it’s like a “delight parameter” that these parties have been offering to lure the votebank. Politics is something is hard for me to understand and get into. If something really bothers you, it’s your responsibility to get into it and set it right else turn a blind eye. It’s the latter that I have been doing all these years.
Everything that exists has life and anything that lives, is destined to die. So were these people who died in this mindless carnage. Even the people who planned and executed this gruesome death game, were living beings. I can’t call them human. They did breathe but they didn’t have a soul… They too had families, they too have fear of death… How was the transition for them – psychologiocal and moral? What could have driven to perform such inhumane acts? How were they convinced that such acts could give birth to something good? It’s always said that continual oppression at times flares the flames of terrorism. I have grown up in a place which has been inflicted with this disease since the past three decades. The root cause might have been oppression that the people faced but now with the changing times, the cause has come a long way or rather it has literally gone for a toss. All the enemies of the state or the world at large have joined hands to create a bigger and a well-equipped network of terror. Are all these people fighting for a cause which can be defined as justfiable by the other section of the population? What demarcates the two sections of the societly – the one who creates terror and the other which fights it? What drives men to cross over to the other section of the population that creates havoc?
My heart goes out to the families who have lost their loved ones. Ever since this ghastly incident started three days back, I have been continually following it. But is that all I ought to do is what I ask myself? How am I contributing to the world when there is so much to be taken care of? Good academics, a secured and satisfying career, a life of content with the loved ones – is all I have been living for. This isn’t the first time when an incident has inflicted some worries, some unanswered questions upon me. But now I feel I have had enough. I need to act. I can’t simply wake up with a cup hot coffee and follow up on the television when the world outside is bleeding.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Flying without wings

I have always nurtured the thought of trying adventure sports. The rush of excitement that I felt seeing them on the television, made me feel that it was something I had to do… There aren’t many options around Hyderabad for such activities, so while in Bangalore I knew I couldn’t just spend all the time going places. Bangalore is a city bustling with activities of every kind. I really envy people who have lived/live here J  … Well an activity like this needs prior planning which I failed to do. I wasn’t sure if my friends here would be interested at all. But surprisingly they were in, the moment I suggested it to them. We looked at different options, called different groups to know if something could be planned at such a short notice (We were planning to go for it the very next day). Of all the possibilities, parasailing activity seemed the most feasible one at that moment. So that’s what we went ahead with…

Talking about parasailing, it’s the one of the safest aero sports (provided the harness doesn’t give away J). It’s a wonderful feeling to be flying high on your own. Nothing can beat it. Well, of course, a sky diving experience would be better of the two I feel. It didn’t last long. May be a minute or so, but none the less it was great fun. Only complaint would be that it wasn’t a nerve wrecking experience that I would have loved to have… May be something like that would need some proper planning on my part. Looking forward to the next experience…


My trip to Banglore had been special in many ways - a place I was so sure I would never visit. But I’m gad I did. Particularly having meet K (who was always more than a college senior to me), opened in front of me a wide range of possibilities that I could and I should do with my life. To speak more about her, she was the one who comforted me when I was a little kid in my early days of engineering – someone whom I have always looked up to. With time, our lives drifted apart. But still she is someone who would always be close to my heart…
It was a casual ring that I gave, once I landed in Bangalore. I wasn’t actually hoping to catch up with her. Don’t really know why… She sounded a little low. She wasn’t keeping well. I felt a tinge of sadness for having neglected our friendship so much and for so long. I decided to meet her. And the next day I was at her place. In spite of all the pain she was in, she looked as beautiful as always. It was good to see her world… We talked for long. I was glad to see how much she had changed in the past five years, but she was still the same vivacious pretty girl who always so different from the rest…
The meeting left me in a state of confusion and conflict. I was disturbed when I left her place. There were so many thoughts on my mind, making me feel restless. I wanted to be left alone. I wanted to think. I wanted to sort out things… She was glad to see me in that state she confessed. That was her agenda she said later… And I’m glad she did. Sometimes you need a little push so that you can set out and realize your dreams